Monday, October 24, 2011

Rock Star!!!

Everybody knows that kids like imitating their parents and Markús is no exception. I just didn't know that he had seen me shake my head at his dad so often that he started doing the same. :)
He is shaking his head all the time now. It is really cute. And he is developing a bunch of new moves that he will be able to use in his future career as a Rock Star!
Here is a little video taken a few days ago of my little upcoming Rock Star:

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

On the ball!

Markús the little stud, has almost cracked the code in crawling! I was so excited right up until I realized that now I can't leave the room anymore. I didn't think I really did that a whole lot but over the last couple of days I am realizing how much I do that. Not for long periods of time or anything, but simply to go and put the laundry in or make the bed or go get a glass of water.
Usually he would just be sitting on his blanket and playing with a toy. He will still do that now when I leave the room but then when I come back 30 sek later he is half way across the room... Not good. So I am taking him with me around the house all the time now.
Today I was fixing dinner in the kitchen. I blocked off all the "no no" places and put him on the floor with a ball. And here is the result:
(he had already been doing it for quite a while at this point so he is a bit tired)

and here is another cute little bonus clip: